Link do opisu wydarzenia: Theater tour

Theater tour

Data: 13 lipca 2024 r.
Godzina: 18:00
Miejsce: Teatr Wybrzeże ul. Świętego Ducha 2, Gdańsk
Organizator: Teatr Wybrzeże

Szczegóły wydarzenia

Does every scene have a stage barrels and curtains? Who is the stage manager? What does the theater basement hide? We invite everyone interested in the backstage of the theater to take a tour of the big stage building in Gdańsk. The sightseeing route includes, among others: auditorium, stage, historic walls and make-up room. The duration of the tour is approximately 90 minutes.

Anna Augustyniak, Weronika Łucyk and Ella Naduk will guide you through the nooks and crannies of the theater.

